A Authoritative Reading of Haj Qasim Soleimani's Will Based on the Theory of Good Governance

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology of Iran's Social Issues, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.



Today, the concept of governance has provided the ground for attitudinal and action transformation in facing the problem of functional inefficiency. In the framework of this paradigm, the principles of accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, the rule of law, accountability, transparency and consensus building are followed. This research is conducted using the qualitative content analysis method and the research findings show that the will of Martyr Soleimani, in addition to having the implications of governance Well, it has other authoritative meanings such as spiritual connection with God, obedience to the authority of the jurist, believing people, the spirit of apologizing to the people, etc . In the field of good governance, 17 propositions including 6 propositions of responsibility, 3 propositions of accountability, 3 propositions of efficiency and effectiveness, 2 propositions of the rule of law, 2 propositions of the rule of law and 1 proposition of participation have been identified, and 25 propositions refer to the specific dimensions of governance in the will. The result of this research is our point out that the personality of Martyr Soleimani can be considered a transformative model in the field of making the administrative system and organizations more efficient.


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