The Birth of the Myth of the Ideal Man in Epic Poems after the Martyrdom of Sardar Soleimani

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.



Mythology is one of the prominent categories in the field of literary criticism. According to the opinions of some theorists such as Vico, myths are created by human minds. According to this theory, myth can be considered as one of human cultural productions. The space and social field of each historical period is the basis for the creation of the myths of that period and the literary works are the manifestation of the myths created by the people. Sardar Soleimani is an idealistic man who has been introduced as a myth by the contemporary society and accordingly, poets and writers have analyzed and described this idealistic myth in their works. This article tries to enumerate the salient features of Armanmard's myth, to analyze and examine the character of Sardar Soleimani with the method of analysis and description in the poems of his epic-elegy after his martyrdom. As the results of the research show, immortality, nationalism, upholding religious-moral values, extraordinary and connection with superhuman factors are the characteristics of Sardar Soleimani, as an idealist myth in contemporary poetry.


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